At Shaw University Divinity School, for the entire time I have been on faculty (almost 19 years), there has been one glue that has held all things together. That is our administrative assistant/registrar/student counselor/information center/receptionist/faculty support staff Stella Goldston. Before Shaw Divinity became only the third ATS accredited theological school in North Carolina, following only Duke Divinity and Southeastern Theological Seminary, Stella was already carrying a load of duties to support the faculty and students in their education. Since that time, we have seen five deans come and go. Stella has learned how to work with each one to accomplish his goals and keep the program steadily moving.
Last Wednesday, September 19, 2018, Stella's husband "E.P." died after they had shared 50 years of marriage.
Just over five years ago when Everly died and I became a widow, I'm sure that for some moment I felt I was the only person who has endured such a devastating loss. Part of the awakening of my humanity that I underwent during that period of Everly's illness and dying involved becoming deeply aware of the struggles that my students and colleagues, my fellow church members and friends, and people all around me were also enduring. Previously such things had seemed so distant, so irrelevant, to the life I was living. It is a sad thing to realize about oneself, having already reached one's mid-fifties in age. Let's be satisfied to say that I have grown somewhat beyond that now.
A result is that the stories of others' lives, whether fictional stories of lives in books and media or lives of the flesh and blood people around me, take me to a place of memory and empathy. I've been struggling with my schedule this week, preparing to leave for Hong Kong tomorrow, and having so many details to tie up. Unable to make the trip to Sanford for the funeral, I found myself suddenly overwhelmed by the thought of Stella Goldston's loss.
I had met "E.P." briefly on occasions when he had driven Stella to work from their remote home near Pittsboro, NC. His health had been declining in recent years, and we had feared for his life at times before. Yet he continued to be blessed with more days, and Stella showed great devotion to support him and care for him in the ups and downs of his physical condition. She has had to take more days away from the office in recent months, and the entire ordeal of their lives as they passed the end of their seventh decade has been a struggle. Yet Stella remains an encourager of the faculty and students. She offers her assistance quickly and without reservation. She lifts our spirits and keeps us together. She is a committed servant leader in our community.
Therefore today, in honor of Stella and of her marriage, and in memory of her beloved husband "E.P.", I will repeat the words I overheard that swept me into the moment of empathy and memory. Hearing them helped me realize my debt of gratitude for Stella's life and my care for the depth of loss she now faces. Perhaps with a bit of self-centeredness, I also confess that these words reminded me of how much loss I feel that Everly is not able to share the joy of this trip to Hong Kong with me. Thank God for the Psalms.
From Psalm 22:14-15
I am poured out like water,
and all my bones are out of joint;
my heart is like wax;
it is melted within my breast;
my mouth is dried up like a potsherd,
and my tongue sticks to my jaws;
you lay me in the dust of death.
Staying still in the devastation of this moment is a way of recognizing and honoring the value of a person's life and of a loving, caring relationship. And so we sit in the condition of being poured out, out of joint, melted, and dried up. Grateful--yet overwhelmed by the loss.
May God, the Source of All Goodness, bless Stella and her family in this time of grief and loss. May the Eternal Son receive "E.P." in loving embrace and joyful celebration of a life well lived and a wife well loved. May the Holy Spirit of God surround, accompany, fill, uphold, and lead Stella Goldston in the coming season of her life. And may we, the ones with whom "E.P." shared his beloved Stella, be to her a shield and staff through her time of grief. Amen.
For those who would like to show support for Stella Goldston in this time of grief and loss through concrete and monetary support, let me offer the following opportunity.
Progressive Orthodoxy
13 hours ago
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