I wrote this guest post for Stan Dotson's blog "Daily Passages." Check out his blogs and other great work at his website In Our Elements.
Friday, July 1st, 2011
Fellow Travelers: This week’s Pastoral Passage (2 Corinthians 3:12-18) transports us to childhood play and childhood fear. Children hide their faces on Halloween to play a game that promises lots of free candy. Part of the game is shouting a mostly empty threat, “Trick or treat!” Dressed in costumes with masks, the little ones see others who are also wearing masks, and sometimes the fear overwhelms the fun. Adults laugh when children turn around running to Mom or Dad or Big Sister to escape a masked figure too scary to pass by.
Many, if not most familiar occasions for wearing a mask circle back around to conjuring up fear. A masquerade party aims at fun, but part of the fun is the uncertainty and fear that come from not knowing who one might end up talking or dancing with. In a less playful vein, bank robbers and bandits use a ski mask or bandana to hide their faces, knowing that their anonymity arouses the fear that they will act more violently since their faces can’t be identified. Part of the fear of Islam in the 21st century often gets focused on the burqa or niqāb, sartorial interpretations of the Qur’an which encourage women to cover their faces. French legislators outlawed this sort of Islamic dress in public, in part for fear of what the “foreigner” may be hiding, and in part for fear of the loss of hegemonic French cultural identity.
The Apostle Paul retold a story about Moses and a mask in this letter to the Corinthians. Actually, it was a veil that Moses wore after he came down from Mount Sinai with the two stone tablets (Exodus 34:33). The people saw him coming, and his face was shining like a light. They were afraid and would have run away, but Moses called out to them so they would know who he was. Aaron and some of the leaders got the courage to go meet him. After he talked with them for a while about what God had to say, he put on a veil. So in this case, the mask was a way to calm down the fear rather than stir it up. Don’t ask me to explain how Moses’ face got shiny. I’ll just let the story stand as it is.
Paul isn’t particularly concerned with the details of Moses’ veil and its purpose according to Exodus. He’s out to make another point. He says that Moses put on a veil so that the people would not keep staring at him while the shiny face faded away. Paul seems concerned that people might have stared at Moses and become mystified. Instead of recognizing the unrestrainable, indomitable, effusive glory of God as having left a residue on the prophet who talked with God, Paul says that back in the day people missed the whole point. They might have fixated on Shiny Moses himself, as if he were the source of all this glory, the Divine Lawgiver in the flesh.
Then Paul says something else completely about the veil. He says the thickheaded and offbase thinking of the ones who were afraid of Shiny Moses is a kind of thickheadedness that endures down the ages in all humans who can’t see the signs of the glory of God when they show up. Barry Harvey, in Can These Bones Live?, writes about the persistent inability of humanity to understand the presence and work of God when we try to “read the book of the world.” Paul sketches a picture for us of people who are not interested in having God lead the way, going around like we have a veil on our faces. The veil makes everything blurry and fuzzy, and we end up stumbling over things that should have been in plain sight.
The shocker of this story comes when Paul explains why things don’t have to be that way. He says that God in Jesus Christ has come to set us straight on how to recognize God's leading, prodding, nudging, and dragging us toward our purpose in this world. When we turn to look at the Lord Jesus, the veil gets lifted. He’s the Rosetta Stone, the Rand McNally Road Atlas, the corrective lens that makes it possible for us to see what God is up to. But I said there was a shocker, didn’t I. Here it comes.
When the veil gets lifted, when we turn to look at Jesus, we find out that this man born of woman, this humble servant who is God incarnate, is the true image of the race of humans. He’s the pattern, and we find ourselves and our lives when we look at him. So with unveiled faces, the glory of God shows up in the mirror. As brothers and sisters of Jesus, we come to see the truth about us is that we “sort of favor” Jesus. We may not be his spitting image, but the image is there, growing, becoming visible in our faces because the Holy Spirit is transforming us. The glory of God is visible when humanity lives in the mutual giving and loving goodness of the Triune God who loves immeasurably in eternity. Look in the mirror, brothers and sisters. Don’t you see it? It’s right there as plain as your face.
Don’t be afraid to lose that veil.
How about you? Where does this Pastoral Passage take you on your journey of faith? Feel free to comment.
Progressive Orthodoxy
12 hours ago
Halloween, Masquerades, Bandits, and Burqas
This blog is very timely with Halloween right around the corner where we revisit times of fun and fear. Fear, associated with wearing a mask including bank robbers and bandits, Islam (covered women faces), produces terror in society and that is not without good reason in some cases. Yet masks are not always objects of negativity, as was noted in the example of Moses where the veil was a symbol of protection and an instrument of calmness. I see that Paul uses the details of Moses’ veil to illustrate that the message is more important than the messenger. Today, the wearing of a veil (spiritually) is a “picture of people who are not interested in having God lead the way, it makes everything blurry and fuzzy, and we end up stumbling over things that should have been in plain sight.” It is always intriguing to hear the scripture in a new, awe inspiring way as you presented and from a different perspective. Paul’s explanation that Jesus has come to set us straight on how to recognize God’s leading, prodding, nudging, and dragging us toward our purpose in this world – is a wonderful source of persuasion and encouragement. This pastoral passage forces me to take spiritual inventory, to lift my veil, seeing Jesus as my pattern and discovering my life by looking at Him. These are things that we need to be reminded of again and again - we are here in the world to reflect God’s glory by the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
How about you? Where does this Pastoral Passage take you on your journey of faith? Feel free to comment.
I concur with Dr. Broadway that we should take off our veils and show who we are; however, when we take off our veils we become exposed and vulnerable. If we are taught to self reliant and independent then we unveil the fact that we are not self reliant or that we are independent we run the risk of being criticized. We run the risk of someone trying to take advantage of us because we are perceived as weak.
Now, if we could all live according to the teachings of Jesus Christ and we all felt equal in this world and if we felt that everyone was working towards the same goal of getting back to God, then we could begin to unveil our faces; but not prior to everyone getting on equal footing.
Our early world is not designed for equality; the earthly world is the strong survives. Only God's world brings equality.
Certainly, I think that transparency is key to our unvieling. It is sort of custommary for one to hide himself of his blemishess before being used by God. However, God perfects our imperfections. Therefore, as we work towards walking in God's Image, we should take our own masks off. Displaying truthfulness in the eyesight of a God who see's all places us inline with faithfulness. He does nudge and pull on us. Moreso, it is our job to recognize the nudge and gravitate to it instead of denying the nudge and trying to mask it.
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